Masthead 1992
This nameplate was used in 1992
Truce Signed 1953
This nameplate was used in 1953

This website was created and maintained from May 2020 to May 2021 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Stars and Stripes operations in the Pacific.
It will no longer be updated, but we encourage you to explore the site and view content we felt best illustrated Stars and Stripes' continued support of the Pacific theater since 1945.

Vietnam at 50

Infantrymen, of the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry bandage a wounded soldier after an American-fired mortar round fell short and exploded in the midst of the company.

1966: Troops and protests increase along with strategy concerns against a determined enemy

It was the year of the reality check, when Americans and their own government began to realize just what they faced in Vietnam — a resourceful and tenacious enemy, quarrelsome allies and an Asian society whose complexity they could barely understand.

Vietnam War helicopter pilot to get Medal of Honor

A Huey helicopter pilot from the Vietnam War will become the latest recipient of the Medal of Honor on Monday.

Green Beret medic could be next Vietnam War MOH recipient

The story of Green Beret Gary Michael Rose’s heroism is an epic of classified warfare and a stinging media scandal, but it might soon end with a Medal of Honor.

'Near the end of the day, things didn’t get any better'

Eight soldiers, stranded in a dry riverbed in Vietnam, faced a grim fate as they watched U.S. gunships and other air power disappear from the sky.

Vietnam battle

Pfc. Ron Fuller of Indianapolis, Ind., his head bandaged after being hit by shrapnel and his AR-15 at the ready, watches for the enemy from atop an armored personnel carrier.

VIDEO| Vietnam veteran A.B. Grantham talks about the Battle of Hue

During the Battle of Hue in February, 1968, 18-year-old U.S. Marine Pfc. A.B. Grantham of Mobile, Ala., was shot in the chest by a North Vietnamese soldier.

Rolling Thunder escalated US involvement in Vietnam, pulled ground troops into combat

In 1964, Keith Connolly was a young Air Force pilot and was among the first Americans to fly sorties in the F-100 Super Sabre fighter bomber targeting the North Vietnamese communist insurgency.

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